Master Simon
We are a small family owned business located in Yerevan, Armenia. Musical background and love to national instruments always have been the passion and motivation for us. Everything you see, starting with our products, music, videos, photography, website, quick start guide etc. is done in-house by our family members - father and two sons.
Master Simon plays different national woodwind instruments since 12 years old, and is engaged in musical instrument production for last 18 years.
Our instruments are well recognized both within Armenia and all over the world. Since 2005, we started marketing our products internationally through well known international online marketplaces and through our website.
Master Simon is specialized in top level instrument production for professional musicians and concert ensembles. His younger son is helping him in instrument making as well as in electronic music production using national instrument sounds.
Master Simon has higher education from Yerevan State Conservatory of Yerevan. In his career he played woodwind instruments in different well known ensembles of Armenia. Presently his main occupation is making national woodwind instruments for bands, individual musicians and musical schools.

Popular Products
Quality of Instruments
What is important, what we pay attention to and what you should know when buying Armenian Duduk?
Quality of Wood:
To ensure quality of the instrument, sweetness, soulfulness and softness of the duduk sound it is very important to use apricot wood.
Cheap souvenir duduks are made from other wood materials that are not suitable for duduk production.
To make duduks we choose apricot tree at least 30 years old that has at least 50 cm diameter and healthy log. For making pro level duduk we use only the middle part of the log.
After cutting logs in cubic shape of 60 cm long logs we boil them individually in salty water for 2 days to ensure the strength and resiliency of the duduk.
After boiling the wood material needs to rest and dry for at least 6 month. Having all these processes done then we go to the production stage of the duduks.
Duduk Body (Cylinder)
To ensure quality of the instrument, sweetness, sadness and softness of the duduk sound it is very important to use apricot wood.
Cheap souvenir duduks are made from other wood materials that are not suitable for duduk production.
To make duduks we choose apricot tree at least 30 years old that has at least 50 cm diameter and healthy log. For making pro level duduk we use only the middle part of the log.
After cutting logs in cubic of 60 cm long logs we boil them individually in salty water for 2 days to ensure the strength and resiliency of the duduk.
After boiling the wood material needs to rest and dry for at least 6 month. Having all these processes done then we go to the production stage of the duduks.
Duduk Tuning
Without tuning duduk is a piece of wood or a cheap souvenir duduk. Tuning of the duduk is complex and cumbersome process. It is even more difficult than making the body of the duduk. The professional duduk maker has to know all the techniques of tuning. It is being made by using special expensive instruments and digging under the wholes of the duduk.
Duduks of Master Simon are double tuned with professional tuner (KORG) and piano. Double tuning with tuner and other instruments makes to ensure correctness of tunes.
Master Simon makes also duduk reeds for his duduks. Duduk reed is very essential for the quality sound of the duduk. Each reed must be tuned itself and must be have a key. For example, key A duduk must be played with key A reed.